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Home / Hotmelt adhesives / Melting Point hot melt adhesives (Ring & Ball Method)

Melting Point hot melt adhesives (Ring & Ball Method)

The melting temperature of a hotmelt is usually determined by means of a Ring & ball method. This method is based on the fact that an adhesive layer carries itself, a steel ball. As soon as, at a certain temperature, the ball sinks through the adhesive layer, the melting temperature is determined. The melting temperature, usually indicated by Ring & Ball, does not directly say anything about the temperature resistance.

The melting temperature of a hotmelt adhesive is also uneven to the application temperature. The application temperature is usually between 110 and 180 degrees Celsius.Incidentally, in addition to heat resistance, there is also a cold-resistance or freeze resistance. This can often partly be read from cold flexibility or Shore hardness. A practical test with the right materials (Substrates) and in the exact comparative conditions must always give a definite answer.

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